Thursday, April 12, 2018

Incompetence (political)

Effects that result of failing to perform a position of responsibility within the state. Incompetence generally results from having failed to work the requisite number of days as a functionary. All persons within a political heirarchy, even the Lord High Chancellor, must answer to someone - in some cases a mob - so in considering the following rules, remember that the DM may be required to create circumstances to justify certain results.

The results included in on this page are meant to reflect more than punishment given in exchange for merely 'missing a day at work.' It must be understood that inherent in the results - particularly those excessive results which may seem over-the-top for the reader - is the understanding that the character holds a position of responsibility. Failing that responsibility through inaction, due to not having done one's duty, could in turn mean that certain persons in the kingdom did not receive crucial supplies; that individuals were injured or killed; that property did not receive the maintenance required, so that it became subject to fire or infestation; that criminals who should have been caught and prosecuted were allowed to escape; that a job that wasn't completed led to loss of profit; and finally that the persons in authority over the character may have reasons for seeking an undesirable, unimportant minion to be sacrificed for the good of their careers or the kingdom.

In other words, by not appearing for every working day of their work period (2 months in length), the character risks more than the character's job or reputation. Take note, however, that the worst results shown below can only come from a character repeatedly and stubbornly failing to acknowledge the responsibility they have accepted.

When consulting the Incompetence Table below, the number of dice that are thrown depends upon the character's history. Dice are rolled for each circumstance listed below:
  • Failing to appear for one complete period of work - roll 1d6
  • Failing to appear for two periods of work in a row - roll 2d6
  • Failing to appear for a single day of penury work or missing a day of work determined by an overseer - roll 3d6
  • Bonus die if the character has ever, at any time previously, been either arrested or convicted - add 1d6 to all other rolls
Thus, it is only possible to get a combined roll above 18 on the table if the character has a built-up history of poor attendance.

a) A random number between 1 and the total influence needed for the position is generated; this is the price in s.p. the character must pay.

b) Each penury work day is given a specific date for when the player must work; penury days are added on top of ordinary work days, so the character must complete both within the next work period or once again face this table (even if the combined penury days + work days are more than can be worked in a two-month period).

c) Indicates that twice the number generated should be paid (see note a above).

d) All days for the next work period are assigned to the character by a designated superior (which should be identified by the DM). No additional days of work are required.

e) See note a; amount is paid in g.p. rather than s.p.

If the character held for a given period rolls the die and again obtains the result of being arrested, the number of days the character remains in prison is extended and the die rolled again.
Characters who have been dismissed may not attempt to work in that specific position of responsibility again; however, they may campaign to obtain another position within the kingdom, so long as this is not their third dismissal. Characters who have been dismissed for incompetence from three different positions within the kingdom may never obtain any other position of responsibility - unless a regime change occurs, in which case the character's number of dismissals will be counted as two.

Characters that are imprisoned are considered to be dismissed (the dismissal counting towards the maximum possible).

Convictions received at any previous position count towards the character's incompetence in all future positions.

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